We believe it’s important to have a code of conduct that governs the actions and motives of our team.
Here are the principles we choose to operate by.
We believe it’s important to have a code of conduct that governs the actions and motives of our team.
Here are the principles we choose to operate by.
Trust is the currency of the 21st century. Once trust between two parties has been broken, it’s very difficult to re-establish the working relationship. We know this. That’s why being honest and transparent in our dealings with clients and business partners is not just good ethics, it’s good business! Partner Digital is a business built on honesty and trust. If we make a mistake, we will admit it and do our best to rectify it.
As Abraham Lincoln once said “when I do good, I feel good”. We believe that’s true. By always doing the right thing by our customers, we sleep better at night, even if it means a few less dollars in the bank. It is our goal to be helpful and friendly in all of our interactions with our customers.
We will always provide good value for money. “Lazy” and “procrastinate” are two words that aren’t in the Partner Digital dictionary. Try to look them up, I dare you! You won’t find them. We enjoy working hard for our clients, being efficient and productive with our time, especially when we’re on the clock for our clients.
Technology and the digital landscape is changing so rapidly, it’s impossible (even for us) to have all the answers. So when we don’t know, rather than make it up, we’ll do a bit of research and come back with an educated answer. This approach takes more time and requires an ongoing commitment to professional development. It is the only way a technology provider can sustain its industry lead in the current marketplace.
We will always respond to your emails and phone calls in a timely manner, usually the same day. We understand that businesses move quickly and a few days can make all the difference.
Aretha franklin said it best. We will treat you with respect at all times. No question is a stupid question. We understand that not everyone speaks geek like we do, and our team will communicate ideas and concepts in normal everyday language.